Sole.jl is a framework for symbolic learning, i.e., machine learning with symbolic logic. It comprehends packages for:
Symbolic learning is machine learning based on formal logic. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the learned models enclose an explicit knowledge representation, which offers many opportunities:
These levels of transparency (or interpretability) are generally not available with standard machine learning methods, thus, as AI permeates more and more aspects of our lives, symbolic learning is becoming increasingly popular. In spite of this, implementations of symbolic algorithms (e.g, extraction of decision trees or rules) are mostly scattered across different languages and machine learning frameworks.
Enough with this! The lesser and lesser minoritarian community of symbolic learning deserves a programming framework of its own. So, here comes Sole.jl, a collection of Julia packages for symbolic modeling and learning; Sole.jl covers a relatively wide range of functionality that is of interest for the symbolic community, but it also fills some gaps with a few functionalities for standard machine learning pipelines (e.g., feature selection on multimodal (un)structured data). At the time of writing, the framework comprehends the following released packages:
Altogether, Sole.jl makes for a powerful tool built with an eye to formal correctness, and it can be of use for both machine learning practitioners and computational logicians.
Q: Ok, so what symbolic learning methods do you people provide? A: At the moment, ModalDecisionTrees.jl is the only package compatible with Sole.jl, and it provides novel decision tree algorithms based on multimodal temporal and spatial logics for time-series and image classification. Checkout the related talk at JuliaCon22.
Q: Why the name? A: Sole stands for SymbOlic LEarning; it also means "sun" in Italian, a hint to the enlightening power of transparent modeling.