Pietro Monticone

Main Activities

  • Mathematics at the University of Trento;
  • Mathematical, statistical and computational modelling of complex systems at the Interdisciplinary Physics Team (InPhyT);
  • Developing FOSS at InPhyT, UniTO-SEPI, JuliaEpi, JuliaHealth, JuliaGraphs;
  • Working on NeuronalModelling.jl: a flexible and high-performance computational framework for the specification, calibration and simulation of quantitative single-neuron models;
  • Learning about automated theorem provers and interactive proof assistants to formalise, digitise and verify mathematical assertions.

Main Contacts


15:50 UTC

MultilayerGraphs.jl: Multilayer Network Science in Julia

07/27/2023, 3:50 PM — 4:00 PM UTC

MultilayerGraphs.jl is a Julia package for the creation, manipulation and analysis of multilayer graphs, which have been adopted to model a wide range of complex systems from bio-chemical to socio-technical networks.

We will synthetically introduce multilayer network science, illustrate some of the main features of the current version of the package and talk about its future developments.

Platinum sponsors


Gold sponsors


Silver sponsors

Pumas AIQuEra Computing Inc.Relational AIJeffrey Sarnoff

Bronze sponsors

Jolin.ioBeacon BiosignalsMIT CSAILBoeing

Academic partners


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Fiscal Sponsor